The Dorset Diddlers!


Saturday 30 April 2011

Tales of the river bank...

Yes, it was time to test those Stour waters!

Frenzy by name, frenzy by nature - or navigation, perhaps?!

But first, Doreen had a question!

Then secondly, Doreen had a question!

And another?
Poor Cocoa, he knew something was about to occur!

Ron didn't seem too keen!

Amanda was ready for anything!

And so was Dianne!
Viv was almost there...
...and so was Katie.
There was much to absorb!

But Karine looked relaxed and ready for anything...even a laid back ride?

Ron took it on his chin...
...and Dianne was taking no chances.
That's about the long and the short of this soggy tale!
Doreen took a moment for contemplation.

And then the chanting began!
"We want water! We want water!" demanded Alan and Amanda.

They soon all scurried off...towards that water!

Ron was in the lead.
The others weren't far behind.

Dianne knew she'd soon catch Ron.

We named that ship the 'Ron'!

Unfortunately the steering was a little to the right.

It wasn't long before the others dipped their toes in too.

Doreen kept to the back, entertaining her audience.

The others waited patiently.

Then Karine and Doreen took to the water, like ducks. Almost.

Ooops again!
The landlubbers raced to the bridge to catch a glimpse!

It wasn't long...
...before they went around the bend. Literally.

Once they reached the bridge it was time for some training. Weaving in and out wasn't as easy as it looked.
Some made their figures of eights perfectly...

...some didn't.
Karine and Doreen inspect another bank.

Dianne remained in control.

And so did Viv.
Karine maintained it was better to keep her oars dry and let Doreen do the work.

Oooops - another bank!

Katie just sailed on by.

Karine let Doreen take the strain.

Alan looked at another bank.

Karine didn't.
Then Cocoa decided to join the fun!

Cocoa makes it to Katie.

But almost tips Karine and Doreen in!

But it wasn't long before Doreen zoomed off again, supported by Karine's balancing act.

But did they know where they were headed?

Off they went...
...leaving Sheila to photo some of the buttercups.

But Cocoa gets in on the act too.

Eventually they returned!

Dianne had obviously got to grips with this new skill and was ready for the nearest Ocean.

Katie was in hot pursuit.
Followed by their patient teacher, Keith.

Karine and Doreen hold on to their anchor position.

And Karine manages to keep her oars dry once more.

In fact, it was plain sailing!

Doreen falls out and on to dry land.

And enjoys her treat, fighting off Cocoa!

Yep. It's all in the name.

And then it was back to Captain Karine's for a lovely buffet and Pimms. What could be nicer?

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